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Documentation for ToMeDa


args module-attribute

args = parse_args()

file_name module-attribute

file_name = with_suffix('.pdf')

group module-attribute

group = add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)

nt_string module-attribute

nt_string = dumps(schema())

parser module-attribute

parser = ArgumentParser(
    description="Inspects the metadata schema. Allows for pdf creation and json output."


Bases: BaseModel

Boundary condition of the simulation.

component class-attribute instance-attribute

component: None | Component = Field(
    description="(Fix) component of the boundary condition",

parameter class-attribute instance-attribute

parameter: None | Variable = Field(
    description="(Variable) parameter of the boundary condition",

position class-attribute instance-attribute

position: None | str = Field(
    description="Position of the boundary condition",

shape class-attribute instance-attribute

shape: None | str = Field(
    description="Tupe of the boundary condition",

size class-attribute instance-attribute

size: None | float = Field(
    description="Size of the boundary condition",


Bases: BaseModel

Checksum of a resource.

algorithm class-attribute instance-attribute

algorithm: str = Field(
    title="Algorithm", description="Checksum algorithm"

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: str = Field(
    title="Value", description="Checksum value"


Bases: BaseModel

Compiler used for the simulation.

flags class-attribute instance-attribute

flags: None | str = Field(
    description="Used compiler flags. Pass empty string ' ' if no flags were used.",

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(
    title="CompilerName", description="Name of the compiler"


Bases: BaseModel

Compiler variables.

flags class-attribute instance-attribute

flags: None | list[str] = Field(
    description="Flags used for the compilation",

input_object_files class-attribute instance-attribute

input_object_files: list[str] = Field(
    title="Object files",
    description="Object files used for the compilation",

libraries class-attribute instance-attribute

libraries: None | list[str] = Field(
    description="Libraries used for the compilation",

output_name class-attribute instance-attribute

output_name: str = Field(
    title="Name of the executable",
    description="Name of the executable",


Bases: BaseModel

Component of the simulation.

IUPAC class-attribute instance-attribute

IUPAC: None | str = Field(
    title="IUPAC Name",
    description="IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) name of the component",

forceField class-attribute instance-attribute

forceField: None | ForceField = Field(
    title="Force Field",
    description="Force Field of the component",

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id: None | ID = Field(
    title="ID", description="ID of the component"

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(
    title="Name", description="Name of the component"

quantity class-attribute instance-attribute

quantity: None | str = Field(
    description="Quantity of the component",

smilesCode class-attribute instance-attribute

smilesCode: None | str = Field(
    title="SMILES Code",
    description="SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification) code of the component",

unit class-attribute instance-attribute

unit: None | str = Field(
    title="Unit", description="Unit of the component"


Bases: BaseModel

Context of the simulation.

referencePublication class-attribute instance-attribute

referencePublication: None | Publication = Field(
    description="Publication this work is based on",

relatedIdentifierType class-attribute instance-attribute

relatedIdentifierType: None | RelatedIdentifierType = Field(
    title="Related Identifier Type",
    description="Related Identifier Type",

relatedMetadataScheme class-attribute instance-attribute

relatedMetadataScheme: None | str = Field(
    title="Related Metadata Scheme",
    description="Related Metadata Scheme",

relatedResource class-attribute instance-attribute

relatedResource: None | FileOrResource = Field(
    title="Related Resource", description="Related Resource"

relationType class-attribute instance-attribute

relationType: None | RelationType = Field(
    title="Relation Type", description="Relation Type"

schemeType class-attribute instance-attribute

schemeType: None | str = Field(
    title="Scheme Type", description="Scheme Type"

schemeURI class-attribute instance-attribute

schemeURI: None | str = Field(
    title="Scheme URI", description="Scheme URI"


Bases: Enum

The Contributor Type complex type is used to record information about the contributor type of the object. Its reference can be found:

ContactPerson class-attribute instance-attribute

ContactPerson = 'ContactPerson'

DataCollector class-attribute instance-attribute

DataCollector = 'DataCollector'

DataCurator class-attribute instance-attribute

DataCurator = 'DataCurator'

DataManager class-attribute instance-attribute

DataManager = 'DataManager'

Distributor class-attribute instance-attribute

Distributor = 'Distributor'

Editor class-attribute instance-attribute

Editor = 'Editor'

HostingInformation class-attribute instance-attribute

HostingInformation = 'HostingInformation'

Other class-attribute instance-attribute

Other = 'Other'

Producer class-attribute instance-attribute

Producer = 'Producer'

ProjectLeader class-attribute instance-attribute

ProjectLeader = 'ProjectLeader'

ProjectManager class-attribute instance-attribute

ProjectManager = 'ProjectManager'

ProjectMember class-attribute instance-attribute

ProjectMember = 'ProjectMember'

RegistrationAgency class-attribute instance-attribute

RegistrationAgency = 'RegistrationAgency'

RegistrationAuthority class-attribute instance-attribute

RegistrationAuthority = 'RegistrationAuthority'

RelatedPerson class-attribute instance-attribute

RelatedPerson = 'RelatedPerson'

ResearchGroup class-attribute instance-attribute

ResearchGroup = 'ResearchGroup'

Researcher class-attribute instance-attribute

Researcher = 'Researcher'

RightsHolder class-attribute instance-attribute

RightsHolder = 'RightsHolder'

Sponsor class-attribute instance-attribute

Sponsor = 'Sponsor'

Supervisor class-attribute instance-attribute

Supervisor = 'Supervisor'

WorkPackageLeader class-attribute instance-attribute

WorkPackageLeader = 'WorkPackageLeader'


Bases: Enum

The Date Type complex type is used to record information about the date type of the object. Its reference can be found:

Accepted class-attribute instance-attribute

Accepted = 'Accepted'

Available class-attribute instance-attribute

Available = 'Available'

Collected class-attribute instance-attribute

Collected = 'Collected'

Created class-attribute instance-attribute

Created = 'Created'

Issued class-attribute instance-attribute

Issued = 'Issued'

Other class-attribute instance-attribute

Other = 'Other'

Submitted class-attribute instance-attribute

Submitted = 'Submitted'

Updated class-attribute instance-attribute

Updated = 'Updated'

Valid class-attribute instance-attribute

Valid = 'Valid'

Withdrawn class-attribute instance-attribute

Withdrawn = 'Withdrawn'


Bases: Enum

The Description Type complex type is used to record information about the description type of the object. Its reference can be found:

Abstract class-attribute instance-attribute

Abstract = 'Abstract'

Methods class-attribute instance-attribute

Methods = 'Methods'

Other class-attribute instance-attribute

Other = 'Other'

SeriesInformation class-attribute instance-attribute

SeriesInformation = 'SeriesInformation'

TableOfContents class-attribute instance-attribute

TableOfContents = 'TableOfContents'

TechnicalInfo class-attribute instance-attribute

TechnicalInfo = 'TechnicalInfo'


Bases: Enum

CrossrefFunderID class-attribute instance-attribute

CrossrefFunderID = 'CrossrefFunderID'

GRID class-attribute instance-attribute


ISNI class-attribute instance-attribute


Other class-attribute instance-attribute

Other = 'Other'

ROR class-attribute instance-attribute



Bases: Enum

The RelatedIdentifierType complex type is used to record information about the related identifier type of the object. Its reference can be found:

ARK class-attribute instance-attribute


DOI class-attribute instance-attribute


EAN13 class-attribute instance-attribute

EAN13 = 'EAN13'

EISSN class-attribute instance-attribute


Handle class-attribute instance-attribute

Handle = 'Handle'

IGSN class-attribute instance-attribute


ISBN class-attribute instance-attribute


ISSN class-attribute instance-attribute


ISTC class-attribute instance-attribute


LISSN class-attribute instance-attribute


LSID class-attribute instance-attribute


Other class-attribute instance-attribute

Other = 'Other'

PMID class-attribute instance-attribute


PURL class-attribute instance-attribute


UPC class-attribute instance-attribute


URL class-attribute instance-attribute


URN class-attribute instance-attribute


arXiv class-attribute instance-attribute

arXiv = 'arXiv'

bibcode class-attribute instance-attribute

bibcode = 'bibcode'


Bases: Enum

The Resource Type complex type is used to record information about the resource type of the object. Its reference can be found:

Audiovisual class-attribute instance-attribute

Audiovisual = 'Audiovisual'

Book class-attribute instance-attribute

Book = 'Book'

BookChapter class-attribute instance-attribute

BookChapter = 'BookChapter'

Collection class-attribute instance-attribute

Collection = 'Collection'

ComputationalNotebook class-attribute instance-attribute

ComputationalNotebook = 'ComputationalNotebook'

ConferencePaper class-attribute instance-attribute

ConferencePaper = 'ConferencePaper'

ConferenceProceeding class-attribute instance-attribute

ConferenceProceeding = 'ConferenceProceeding'

DataPaper class-attribute instance-attribute

DataPaper = 'DataPaper'

Dataset class-attribute instance-attribute

Dataset = 'Dataset'

Dissertation class-attribute instance-attribute

Dissertation = 'Dissertation'

Event class-attribute instance-attribute

Event = 'Event'

Image class-attribute instance-attribute

Image = 'Image'

InteractiveResource class-attribute instance-attribute

InteractiveResource = 'InteractiveResource'

Journal class-attribute instance-attribute

Journal = 'Journal'

JournalArticle class-attribute instance-attribute

JournalArticle = 'JournalArticle'

Model class-attribute instance-attribute

Model = 'Model'

Other class-attribute instance-attribute

Other = 'Other'

OutputManagementPlan class-attribute instance-attribute

OutputManagementPlan = 'OutputManagementPlan'

PeerReview class-attribute instance-attribute

PeerReview = 'PeerReview'

PhysicalObject class-attribute instance-attribute

PhysicalObject = 'PhysicalObject'

Preprint class-attribute instance-attribute

Preprint = 'Preprint'

Report class-attribute instance-attribute

Report = 'Report'

Service class-attribute instance-attribute

Service = 'Service'

Software class-attribute instance-attribute

Software = 'Software'

Sound class-attribute instance-attribute

Sound = 'Sound'

Text class-attribute instance-attribute

Text = 'Text'

Workflow class-attribute instance-attribute

Workflow = 'Workflow'


Bases: Enum

The Title Type complex type is used to record information about the title type of the object. Its reference can be found:

AlternativeTitle class-attribute instance-attribute

AlternativeTitle = 'AlternativeTitle'

Other class-attribute instance-attribute

Other = 'Other'

Subtitle class-attribute instance-attribute

Subtitle = 'Subtitle'

TranslatedTitle class-attribute instance-attribute

TranslatedTitle = 'TranslatedTitle'


Bases: BaseModel

A PyDantic model representing a Dataset.

checksum class-attribute instance-attribute

checksum: None | ChecksumType = Field(
    title="Checksum for data integrity",
    description="Checksum for data integrity, ed. MD5",

contact class-attribute instance-attribute

contact: list[PersonOrOrganization] = Field(
    title="Contact Person",
    description="Contact Person of the Dataset",

context class-attribute instance-attribute

context: None | Context = Field(
    description="Context of the Dataset. Links to related resources.",

contributor class-attribute instance-attribute

contributor: None | list[PersonOrOrganization] = Field(

controlledVariable class-attribute instance-attribute

controlledVariable: None | list[Variable] = Field(
    title="Ensemble/Controlled Variables",
    description="Ensemble/Controlled Variables of the Dataset",

creator class-attribute instance-attribute

creator: list[PersonOrOrganization] = Field(

dates class-attribute instance-attribute

dates: None | list[Date] = Field(
    title="Date of Dataset",
    description="Date of Dataset. The type of the Date is specified in the attribute Date Type of the Date.",

description class-attribute instance-attribute

description: None | list[Description] = Field(
    title="Description (With attribute Description Type)"

format class-attribute instance-attribute

format: None | FormatComplexType = Field(
    title="File Type",
    description="Type of Datset. Prefer MIME type.",

fundingReference class-attribute instance-attribute

fundingReference: None | list[FundingReference] = Field(
    title="Funding Information",
    description="Funding Information of the project",

identifier class-attribute instance-attribute

identifier: None | PID = Field(
    description="(Persistent) Identifier of the Dataset",

keywords class-attribute instance-attribute

keywords: None | list[Keyword] = Field(title='Keywords')

measuredVariable class-attribute instance-attribute

measuredVariable: None | list[Variable] = Field(
    title="Measured Variables",
    description="Measured Variables of the Dataset",

mode class-attribute instance-attribute

mode: None | DatasetMode = Field(
    title="Data Generation Method",
    description="Data Generation Method of the Dataset. Is it a simulation,experiment, analysis or prediction?",

project class-attribute instance-attribute

project: None | list[Project] = Field(
    description="Project with Attribute 'Level'",

provenance class-attribute instance-attribute

provenance: None | list[ProcessingStep] = Field(
    title="Process Metadata",
    description="This is the provenance of the Dataset. It describes the processing steps that were taken to create the Dataset. This includes steps like preprocessing, simulation, postprocessing, analysis, etc.",

resourceType class-attribute instance-attribute

resourceType: None | DTC_ResourceType = Field(
    title="Data Type"

rightsStatement class-attribute instance-attribute

rightsStatement: None | RightsStatementComplexType = Field(
    title="Legal information",
    description="Legal information about the Dataset (copyright, access rights, license)",

size class-attribute instance-attribute

size: ByteSize = Field(title='Size of Dataset (Byte)')

storage class-attribute instance-attribute

storage: StorageComplexType = Field(
    title="Filename / File Location"

subjects class-attribute instance-attribute

subjects: None | Subject = Field(title='Subject')

title class-attribute instance-attribute

title: list[Title] = Field(
    title="Title", description="Title of the Dataset"

version class-attribute instance-attribute

version: None | str = Field(
    description="Version of the Dataset. Prefer 'major.minor.patch'",

worked class-attribute instance-attribute

worked: None | bool = Field(
    title="Indication of Success",
    description="Indicates if the dataset was successful",

workedNote class-attribute instance-attribute

workedNote: None | str = Field(
    title="Explanation of (missing) Success"


schema_extra staticmethod
    schema: dict[str, Any], model: type["Dataset"]
) -> None
Source code in data/metadata_schema/
# def schema_extra(schema: dict[str, Any], model: type['PersonOrOrganization']) -> None:
def schema_extra(
    schema: dict[str, Any], model: type["Dataset"]
) -> None:
    for prop in schema.get("properties", {}).values():
        prop.pop("additional_info", None)
        prop.pop("remark", None)


Bases: Enum

Analysis class-attribute instance-attribute

Analysis = 'Analysis'

Experiment class-attribute instance-attribute

Experiment = 'Experiment'

Prediction class-attribute instance-attribute

Prediction = 'Prediction'

Simulation class-attribute instance-attribute

Simulation = 'Simulation'


Bases: BaseModel

Date of the resource.

dateType class-attribute instance-attribute

dateType: DTC_DateType = Field(
    title="Date Type",
    description="Type of the date",

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: date = Field(
    title="Date", description="Date of the resource"


Bases: BaseModel

Description of the simulation.

content class-attribute instance-attribute

content: str = Field(title='Description')

descriptionType class-attribute instance-attribute

descriptionType: None | DTC_DescriptionType = Field(
    title="Description Type",
    description="Type of the description",

lang class-attribute instance-attribute

lang: None | Language = Field(
    title="Language of the Description"


Bases: BaseModel

Environment of the simulation.

compiler class-attribute instance-attribute

compiler: None | list[Compiler] = Field(
    title="Used Compiler"

cpu class-attribute instance-attribute

cpu: None | list[str] = Field(
    description="CPU Model used for the simulation",

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: None | str = Field(
    title="SystemName", description="Name of the system"

nodes class-attribute instance-attribute

nodes: None | int = Field(title='Number of Nodes')

ppn class-attribute instance-attribute

ppn: None | int = Field(title='Processors per Node')


Bases: BaseModel

File or resource.

checksum class-attribute instance-attribute

checksum: None | list[ChecksumType] = Field(

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id: None | PID = Field(title='ID')
link: None | list[str] = Field(
    description="Location/Path of the file or resource",


Bases: BaseModel

Force field of the simulation.

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(
    description="Name of the force field",

parameter class-attribute instance-attribute

parameter: None | Variable = Field(
    description="Parameter of the force field",


Bases: BaseModel

The Format complex type is used to record information about the format of the object. Its reference can be found: This is a simplified version of the original complex type.

formatDesignation class-attribute instance-attribute

formatDesignation: str = Field(
    title="Format Designation",
    description="The format designation is a string that identifies the format of the object. An example of a format designation is the 'mp3' type of a file.",

formatNote class-attribute instance-attribute

formatNote: str | None = Field(
    title="Format Note",
    description="Additional information about the format",


Bases: BaseModel

awardNumber class-attribute instance-attribute

awardNumber: None | str = Field(
    title="Award|Grant Number",
    description="Award|Grant number of the funding project",

awardType class-attribute instance-attribute

awardType: None | str = Field(
    title="Award|Grant Type",
    description="Award|Grant type of the funding project",

funderIdentifier class-attribute instance-attribute

funderIdentifier: None | str = Field(
    title="Funder Identifier",
    description="Identifier of the funder or institution funding the project",

funderIdentifierType class-attribute instance-attribute

funderIdentifierType: None | DTC_FunderIdentifierType = Field(
    title="Funder Identifier Type",
    description="Identifier type of the funder or institution funding the project",

funderName class-attribute instance-attribute

funderName: str = Field(
    title="Funder Name",
    description="Name of the funder or institution funding the project",


Bases: BaseModel

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: str = Field(
    description="General identifier of a resource",


Bases: BaseModel

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: str = Field(title='Keyword', description='Keyword')

vocabulary class-attribute instance-attribute

vocabulary: None | str = Field(
    description="Vocabulary of the Keyword used",

vocabularyURL class-attribute instance-attribute

vocabularyURL: None | str = Field(
    title="Vocabulary URL",
    description="URL of the Vocabulary used",


Bases: Enum

Arabic class-attribute instance-attribute

Arabic = 'Arabic'

Chinese class-attribute instance-attribute

Chinese = 'Chinese'

English class-attribute instance-attribute

English = 'English'

French class-attribute instance-attribute

French = 'French'

German class-attribute instance-attribute

German = 'German'

Italian class-attribute instance-attribute

Italian = 'Italian'

Japanese class-attribute instance-attribute

Japanese = 'Japanese'

Korean class-attribute instance-attribute

Korean = 'Korean'

Other class-attribute instance-attribute

Other = 'Other'

Portuguese class-attribute instance-attribute

Portuguese = 'Portuguese'

Russian class-attribute instance-attribute

Russian = 'Russian'

Spanish class-attribute instance-attribute

Spanish = 'Spanish'


Bases: BaseModel

The Licence Information complex type is used to record information about the licence of the object. Its reference can be found: This is a simplified version of the original complex type.

value instance-attribute

value: str


Bases: BaseModel

Method of the simulation.

description class-attribute instance-attribute

description: None | Description = Field(
    description="Description of the Method",

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(
    title="Method Name", description="Name of the Method"

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters: None | list[Variable] = Field(
    description="Parameters of the Method",


Bases: BaseModel

Persistent Identifier. Identifier of a resource that is persistent and unique.

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id: URI = Field(title='ID', description='Identifier')

scheme class-attribute instance-attribute

scheme: None | URI = Field(
    title="Scheme", description="Scheme of the identifier"

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type: PID_Type = Field(
    description="Type of the identifier (Controlled Vocabulary)",


Bases: Enum

DOI class-attribute instance-attribute


EPIC class-attribute instance-attribute


GND class-attribute instance-attribute


HANDLE class-attribute instance-attribute


ORCID class-attribute instance-attribute


OTHER class-attribute instance-attribute


URN class-attribute instance-attribute



Bases: BaseModel

Datatype for a Person or Organization.

address class-attribute instance-attribute

address: None | str = Field(
    description="The address of the person of organization",

affiliation class-attribute instance-attribute

affiliation: None | list[PersonOrOrganization] = Field(
    description="The affiliation of the person",

email class-attribute instance-attribute

email: None | list[EmailStr] = Field(
    title="Email", description="The email of the person"

familyName class-attribute instance-attribute

familyName: None | str = Field(
    description="The family name of the person",

givenName class-attribute instance-attribute

givenName: None | str = Field(
    title="First Name",
    description="The first name of a Person",

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id: None | list[PID] = Field(
    title="ID", description="Give ID if applicable"

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(
    description="Name of the person or organization",

role class-attribute instance-attribute

role: None | DTC_ContributorType = Field(
    title="Role", description="Datacite Contributor Type"


Bases: BaseModel

Phase of the simulation.

components class-attribute instance-attribute

components: list[str] = Field(
    description="Components of the phase",

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(
    title="Name", description="Name of the phase"


Bases: BaseModel

Point in 3D space.

posX class-attribute instance-attribute

posX: float = Field(
    title="Position X", description="Position X of point"

posY class-attribute instance-attribute

posY: None | float = Field(
    title="Position Y", description="Position Y of point"

posZ class-attribute instance-attribute

posZ: None | float = Field(
    title="Position Z", description="Position Z of point"


Bases: BaseModel

A Datatype that describes the processing steps that were taken to create the Dataset. It is part of the provenance of the Dataset. The provenance is a record that describes the people, institutions, entities and activities involved in producing, influencing or delivering a part of the Dataset.

actor class-attribute instance-attribute

actor: None | list[PersonOrOrganization] = Field(

date class-attribute instance-attribute

date: None | Date = Field(title='Date')

environment class-attribute instance-attribute

environment: None | Environment = Field(
    title="Computing Environment"

errorMethod class-attribute instance-attribute

errorMethod: None | list[Method] = Field(
    title="Error Method"

executionCommand class-attribute instance-attribute

executionCommand: None | list[str] = Field(
    title="Command executed"

input class-attribute instance-attribute

input: None | list[FileOrResource] = Field(
    title="Input file(s)"

method class-attribute instance-attribute

method: None | list[Method] = Field(title='Method')

output class-attribute instance-attribute

output: None | list[FileOrResource] = Field(
    title="Output file(s)"

system class-attribute instance-attribute

system: None | System = Field(
    title="Reference to observed System"

tool class-attribute instance-attribute

tool: None | list[Software] = Field(title='Software used')

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type: ProcessingStepType = Field(title="Type of processing")


Bases: Enum

Analysis class-attribute instance-attribute

Analysis = 'Analysis'

Generation class-attribute instance-attribute

Generation = 'Generation'

Other class-attribute instance-attribute

Other = 'Other'

Postprocessing class-attribute instance-attribute

Postprocessing = 'Postprocessing'


Bases: BaseModel

level class-attribute instance-attribute

level: None | int = Field(
    description="Project level, can be used to specify subprojects and subsubprojects. 0 is the highest level.",

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(
    title="Name", description="Project name. Free text."


Bases: BaseModel

Publication of the simulation.

author class-attribute instance-attribute

author: None | list[PersonOrOrganization] = Field(
    description="Author(s) of the publication",

citation class-attribute instance-attribute

citation: None | str = Field(
    description="Citation of the publication",

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id: None | list[PID] = Field(
    title="ID", description="ID(s) of the publication"

title class-attribute instance-attribute

title: None | Title = Field(
    title="Title", description="Title of the publication"

year class-attribute instance-attribute

year: None | str = Field(title='Year')


Bases: BaseModel

The RelatedIdentifierType complex type is used to record information about the related identifier type of the object. Its reference can be found:

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: str = Field(
    description="Identifiers of related resources.These must be globally uniqueidentifiers.",
    remark="Free text",


Bases: BaseModel

The RelationType complex type is used to record information about the relation type of the object. Its reference can be found:

value instance-attribute

value: str


Bases: BaseModel

The Rights Statement complex type is used to record information about the rights statement of the object. Its reference can be found: This is a simplified version of the original complex type.

value instance-attribute

value: str


Bases: BaseModel

Software used for the simulation.

citation class-attribute instance-attribute

citation: None | str = Field(
    title="Quote", description="Quote of the Software"

codeRepository class-attribute instance-attribute

codeRepository: None | str = Field(
    description="Link to the code repository",

contributor class-attribute instance-attribute

contributor: None | list[PersonOrOrganization] = Field(
    description="Author(s) of the software",

licence class-attribute instance-attribute

licence: None | list[LicenceInformationComplexType] = Field(

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(
    title="Name", description="Name of the software"

operatingSystem class-attribute instance-attribute

operatingSystem: None | list[str] = Field(
    title="Operating system(s)",
    description="Operating system(s) on which the software can be executed",

programmingLanguage class-attribute instance-attribute

programmingLanguage: None | list[str] = Field(
    title="Programming language(s)",
    description="Programming language(s) used to create the software",

referencePublication class-attribute instance-attribute

referencePublication: None | Publication = Field(
    title="Reference Publication",
    description="Reference Publication of the used Software",

softwareApplication class-attribute instance-attribute

softwareApplication: None | FileOrResource = Field(
    title="Software Application",
    description="Link to executable program",

softwareSourceCode class-attribute instance-attribute

softwareSourceCode: None | FileOrResource = Field(
    title="Software Source Code",
    description="Link to SourceCode",

softwareVersion class-attribute instance-attribute

softwareVersion: None | str = Field(
    description="Version of the software. Prefer 'Major.Minor.Patch'",

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url: None | URI = Field(
    title="URL", description="Link to the Software Website"


Bases: BaseModel

Spatial resolution of the simulation. Can be defined by - reference to the grid file - specification by the number of cells and/or blocks - number of grid points in x, y, z direction and/or the interval in x, y, z direction - scaling formula - a set of points

countBlocks class-attribute instance-attribute

countBlocks: None | int = Field(
    title="BlockCount", description="Number of blocks"

countCells class-attribute instance-attribute

countCells: None | int = Field(
    title="CellCount", description="Number of cells"

countX class-attribute instance-attribute

countX: None | int = Field(
    title="X Count",
    description="Number of cells/points in x direction",

countY class-attribute instance-attribute

countY: None | int = Field(
    title="Y Count",
    description="Number of cells/points in y direction",

countZ class-attribute instance-attribute

countZ: None | int = Field(
    title="Z Count",
    description="Number of cells/points in z direction",

file class-attribute instance-attribute

file: None | FileOrResource = Field(
    description="Link/Path to the grid file",

intervalX class-attribute instance-attribute

intervalX: None | float = Field(
    title="X Interval",
    description="Distance between points X direction",

intervalY class-attribute instance-attribute

intervalY: None | float = Field(
    title="Y Interval",
    description="Distance between points Y direction",

intervalZ class-attribute instance-attribute

intervalZ: None | float = Field(
    title="Z Interval",
    description="Distance between points Z direction",

point class-attribute instance-attribute

point: None | list[Point] = Field(
    title="Set of Points",
    description="List of points that define the grid",

scalingFormula class-attribute instance-attribute

scalingFormula: None | str = Field(
    title="scalingFormula", description="Scaling formula"

unit class-attribute instance-attribute

unit: None | str = Field(
    description="Unit of the spatial resolution",


Bases: BaseModel

The Storage complex type is used to record information about the storage. Its reference can be found: This is a simplified version of the original complex type.

contentLocation class-attribute instance-attribute

contentLocation: str = Field(
    title="Content Location",
    description="The content location is a string that identifies the location of the content of the object. An example of a content location is the 'file path' of a file.",

storageMedium class-attribute instance-attribute

storageMedium: str = Field(
    title="Storage Medium",
    description="The storage medium is a string that identifies the storage medium of the object. An example of a storage medium is the 'hard disk'",


Bases: BaseModel

Subject of the simulation.

lang class-attribute instance-attribute

lang: Language = Field(
    description="Language of the simulation",

schemeURI class-attribute instance-attribute

schemeURI: None | str = Field(
    title="Scheme URI",
    description="Scheme URI of the simulation",

subjectScheme class-attribute instance-attribute

subjectScheme: None | str = Field(
    title="Subject Scheme",
    description="Subject Scheme of the simulation",

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: str = Field(
    title="Subject", description="Subject of the simulation"

valueURI class-attribute instance-attribute

valueURI: None | str = Field(
    title="Value URI",
    description="Value URI of the simulation",


Bases: BaseModel

Observed System of.

boundaryCondition class-attribute instance-attribute

boundaryCondition: None | list[BoundaryCondition] = Field(
    title="Boundary Condition",
    description="Boundary Condition of the system",

component class-attribute instance-attribute

component: None | list[Component] = Field(
    description="(Fixed) Component(s) of the system",

grid class-attribute instance-attribute

grid: None | SpatialResolution = Field(
    title="Spatial Resolution",
    description="Spatial Resolution of the simulation",

parameter class-attribute instance-attribute

parameter: None | list[Variable] = Field(
    description="(Varied) Parameter(s) of the system",

phase class-attribute instance-attribute

phase: None | list[Phase] = Field(
    title="Phase", description="Phase of the system"

systemID class-attribute instance-attribute

systemID: None | ID = Field(
    title="ID", description="ID of the system"

temporalResolution class-attribute instance-attribute

temporalResolution: None | TemporalResolution = Field(
    title="Temporal Resolution",
    description="Temporal Resolution of the simulation",


Bases: BaseModel

Temporal resolution of the simulation.

interval class-attribute instance-attribute

interval: None | float = Field(
    description="Interval between time steps",

numberOfTimesteps class-attribute instance-attribute

numberOfTimesteps: int = Field(
    title="Time Step Number",
    description="Number of time steps",

timeStep class-attribute instance-attribute

timeStep: None | list[float] = Field(
    title="Set of Time Steps",
    description="Specific Time Step(s), use if applicable",

unit class-attribute instance-attribute

unit: None | str = Field(
    title="Unit", description="Unit ofInterval"


Bases: BaseModel

lang class-attribute instance-attribute

lang: None | Language = Field(
    title="Language", description="Language of the title"

titleType class-attribute instance-attribute

titleType: None | TitleType = Field(
    title="Title Type",
    description="Type of the title, only specify if not main title",

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: str = Field(
    title="Title", description="Title of the resource"


Bases: BaseModel

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: DTC_TitleType = Field(
    title="Title Type",
    description="Type of the related item title. Use this subproperty to add asubtitle, translation, or alternate title to the main title.The titleType subproperty is used when more than asingle title is provided. Unless otherwise indicatedby titleType, a title is considered to be the maintitle.",


Bases: BaseModel

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: str = Field(
    description="Uniform Resource Identifier, a superset of URL (UniformResource Locator) and URN (Uniform Resource Name)",


Bases: BaseModel

Variable of the simulation.

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(title='Variable Name')

symbol class-attribute instance-attribute

symbol: None | str = Field(title='Formula symbol')

uncertainty class-attribute instance-attribute

uncertainty: None | float = Field(title='Uncertainty')

unit class-attribute instance-attribute

unit: None | str = Field(title='Unit')

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value: None | str = Field(
    description="Variable value (for controlled variables or parameters)",